STUDY: Ocean meadows scrub seawater of harmful bacteria

Seagrasses keep waterborne pathogens in check, potentially benefiting people and coral reefs. Seagrass meadows are the most widespread coastal ocean ecosystems in the world. Research now finds that these plants can reduce the load of disease-causing bacteria such as Enterococcus in the surrounding seawater by up to 50%. What’s more, coral reefs also show a 50% reduction in disease when seagrasses live nearby. The meadows act as nurseries that shelter young animals, and provide permanent homes for...

Kick-off meeting of POSBEMED in Montpellier

The POSBEMED project kickoff meeting (18-19th January) was successfully held in Montpellier, hosted by the project’s leading partner Entente Interdépartementale de Démoustication Méditerranée (EID-Med, France) and joined by representatives from the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR, Greece), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN, Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation), the International Marine Centre Foundation (IMC, Sardinia), and ECO-logica SRL (Italy). POSBEMED partners met up at the EID-Med headquarters to present their existing knowledge and experience,...